Here are some helpful things!
If you're thinking about organising an event /talk or workshop, or have already scheduled something, these things may com in handy!
Before the event
After the event
One line Bio
Kathryn ‘KL’ Kettle is a UK YA author fascinated with themes of power and society; her debut ‘The Boy I am’ (Little Tiger, 2021) has been nominated and shortlisted for multiple book awards, including the Carnegie, and her second book is expected in 2025.
Full Bio
Made in Birmingham, Kathryn (she/her) now lives, works and writes in London. The opening of her debut YA novel, The Boy I am, was shortlisted for the Society of Childrens' Book Writers and Illustrator (SCBWI British Isles) Undiscovered Voices 2018. She has won competitions and been highly commended for her flash fiction, including being longlisted as part of the 2017 Bath Flash Fiction Award. Her debut was been nominated and shortlisted for multiple book awards, including a nomination for the 2022 Carnegie, and second prize in the SCBWI BI Crystal Kite 2022 and Sheffield Children’s book award.
When not writing Kathryn can be found travelling and working around the world transforming business with technology. She is passionate about promoting the role of women as leaders, the value of creativity, and need for diversity at all levels in STEM and business-based careers.
Kathryn is also the creator of the ‘Book Chain Project’ , a video and podcast series where authors interview authors.
(Last update 2025)